環境及自然保育基金 Environment Conservation Fund 香港光害調查 A Survey of Light Pollution in Hong Kong 香港大學 The University of Hong Kong
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香港光害調查 - 新聞發佈 (下載)

Press release of A Survey of Light Pollution in Hong Kong (Download)


A Survey of Light Pollution in Hong Kong – Hong Kong Light Pollution Map

Icon shows the location of the observation site of “A Survey of Light Pollution in Hong Kong”. The color of the icon represents the average of night sky brightness measured by “Sky Quality Meter (SQM)” at that site: smaller value (red, purple, orange) represents brighter sky while larger value (blue, gray, black) represents darker sky.






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What is “mag/arcsec^2”?

What is a “Sky Quality Meter”?

Decrease in number of stars visible

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此地圖根據香港光害調查 參加者自2008年3月起提供的數據由電腦自動製作,夜空會受其他環境因素,如觀測地點環境和雲量等影響,資料只供參考之用。
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This map is an automated product generated by computer according to the data collected by the users of A Survey of Light Pollution in Hong Kong since March 2008. The sky might be effected by others environmental factors, such as observation condition and cloud coverage, etc. This map is for reference only.




2009國際天文年 星空保育 全球重點基石計劃 介紹「香港光害調查」
'A Survey of Light Pollution in Hong Kong' has been highlighted in the Dark Skies Awareness Cornerstone Project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009

2009國際天文年香港區網頁 Website of IYA HK

香港光害調查全力支持全港第一個「」(空)+「」(害)旅「」團 (詳情)



在 五光十色的香港鬧市,於晴朗的晚上抬頭一望,我們看到的不是滿天繁星,而只是空空洞洞魚肚白的天空。濫用人為照明,都是一種環境污染,稱為「光害」或「光 污染」。香港的光害問題十分嚴重,光害的主要元兇是室外照明,人口愈稠密的地區,城市燈光愈多愈密,光害便愈嚴重,能望見的星星便愈少。香港各區夜空受光 害「污染」的程度不一,可惜我們現時缺乏各區光害的數據︰究竟郊區的夜空比市區的黑暗多少倍?哪一區的夜空受光害污染得最嚴重?……


2007 年,香港大學物理系獲得政府環境保護署的「環境及自然保育基金」撥款資助,進行為期十八個月的「香港光害調查」。這次香港首次全面的光害調查,目的是收集 各區光害的科學數據資料,了解光害的分佈和特性,包括各種環境因素與光害的關係等。數據資料更可為政府未來的發展提供指引。



  1. 以一年的時間,讓參加者利用由港大提供的夜空光度測量錶,定期紀錄香港多處地方的夜空光度。

  2. 以網頁作為數據輸入和報告的介面,同時為普羅大眾提供光害的教育性資訊。

  3. 收集得來的數據將分析成為香港光害情況的分佈圖,數據有助了解多種環境因素與光害的關係。


A Survey of Light Pollution in Hong Kong


Hong Kong is famous for its spectacular fantastic colored lightings. At the city center, even on a cloudless and clear night sky, one can hardly see any stars. All that is left is brightly-illuminated sky background. “Light Pollution” is a form of environmental pollution in which excessive artificial outdoor lightings affect the natural environment. Light pollution in Hong Kong is very serious. The main reason behind that is the artificial outdoor lightings. With a densely populated city, the outdoor lightings in Hong Kong are omnipresent. The severe light pollution reduces the number of stars that are visible in the sky. However we lack the details on the extent of light pollution in Hong Kong: How dark is the night sky in the countryside compared with the urban areas? In which district is the light pollution most serious?......


In 2007, the Department of Physics of The University of Hong Kong (HKU) has secured funding from the “Environment and Conservation Fund” (ECF) of the Environment Protection Department, Hong Kong SAR government, to conduct the project “A Survey of Light Pollution in Hong Kong” for a duration of 18 months. This is a first complete and comprehensive survey of light pollution in Hong Kong by collecting a comprehensive set of scientific data from various districts on the condition of the night sky. Through these data, the distribution and properties of light pollution of Hong Kong, including the correlation between various environmental factors and light pollution, would be investigated. The collected data could also potentially serve as references for possible future developments of outdoor lightings regulations by the government.


This survey comprises three components:

  1. The level of night sky brightness will be recorded by volunteer project participants regularly throughout Hong Kong using a device called the Sky Quality Meter (SQM) provided by the HKU Physics Department. The data collection will last for a duration of one year.

  2. A webpage will be set up to serve both as a data reporting interface and as an educational resource for the general public about all issues on light pollution.

  3. The data collected will be analyzed to generate a map of the night sky brightness level in Hong Kong. The data will also help for investigations of any correlation between various environmental factors and light pollution.


This website is produced and maintained by the Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong. The department endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this website. The information provided by this website is for a general, indicative purpose only. Credits or copyrights are stated for some of the information or images.